Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Joan is Defeated

  Since Joan had gotten a good rest after her last time court, she came back, awake and ready to meet the judges.  The first day she did very well and beat the judges with flying colors.  The next day was the same and this lasted for five days.  The people started making jokes about the head judge and because his name, said a little differently meant pig, they used that to make fun of him.  They painted pictures on the walls of the courtroom of pigs wearing the priestly garments or pigs doing other things that made the h.j. mad.  Finally so as to stop being made fun of, the h.j. brought Joan to the torture chamber where the stretcher was and standing beside it were the men that used it on people.  He hoped that under the threat of death by being stretched, Joan would be so afraid that she would say things that would condemn her to death.  Joan just looked him in the face and said she would only say the things she had said already, so, since the h.j. couldn't force anything out of her, he sent her back to her cell.  Then the h.j. had the list of lies be made into a sentence for Joan's death and so upon the following day after the list was finished she would be burned at the stake.

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