Friday, May 30, 2014

Clotho Spider

  The Clotho spider lives under rocks in a little dome it makes for itself.  This nest is made of silk which the spider forms into a dome to which it adds more and more layers over time.  It also covers its nest in empty shells of bugs that it head devoured as you can see in the picture.                                                                                               This spider is of the kind that stays alive after the birth of its brood.  Before the eggs are hatched she sits on them like a mother hen and keeps them warm.  When they are hatched she helps them leave the nest and when they are gone she makes another nest in which to live.  This nest she will use for her next brood because her last nest was taken up by the egg cases so there wouldn't be enough room for her and more eggs.       

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Appeal to Tradition, Snob Appeal and Appeal to Hi-Tech

Appeal to tradition is when you are doing something just because you've always done it.  Or just because the company has been around for 100 years doesn't mean you should go with that company.  

Snob appeal is when you are doing something or buying something just to be different from everybody else.  Being different from everybody else is not always a good idea though, because being different might mean buying skunk perfume or eating poison Ivy.  This would not be a good idea!  

Appeal to Hi-Tech is when someone uses big words that don't make any sense, but it makes them sound like they know what their doing which might make you buy what they're selling.  

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Ivanhoe, The End

  Ivanhoe married Rowena with great celebrations and feasting.  After the wedding Rebecca came to see Rowena to say goodbye because she was leaving with her father.  They were leaving so that they would be safe and would not have to worry about being killed.

  Athelstane punished the monks that had kept him in captivity with imprisonment for three days and giving them only bread and water to eat and drink.  He had wanted to kill them, but his mother had implored him not to because she herself was in the holy order.  Albert Malvoisin and his brother were both beheaded by King Richard for their base acts in trying to kill Rebecca.  The king let Lucas Beaumanoir go free though and also the other knights Templar.  Richard also forgave his brother, John for all the offences he had given him.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Joan's Death

  Joan, the savior of her country, who was loved by all her country men, and who was worshiped by some, was burned at the stake.  The head judge had finally won the battle.  The day before her death he had laughed because he had beaten her, a poor peasant girl.   

  Her story reminds me of Jesus, who came to earth as a lowly carpenter's son and was loved by all until he died a cruel death with no one to pity him except His closest followers.   

  One man who had betrayed Joan asked for her forgiveness when she was on her way to be killed and she gave it.  She was then chained to the stake and was heard praying while the fire burnt around her.  As the flames billowed about her, blocking her from sight, she died.

  When her father heard of her death he died of grief.  Her mother lived for a while after her martyrdom and was even at the place where the pope took Joan's case and said that she was not guilty. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tony Pandy

  Everything seemed to be turning into tony pandy!  The man who had supposedly killed Richard's nephews for Richard and also supposedly admitted to the crime when he was captured really never said anything of the kind.  And Edward's wife, after her two sons were supposedly murdered, made friends with Richard the supposed murderer of them.  Strange.  She then got a pension from Richard and came back into court life with her daughters.  She even wrote a letter to her one son who was over sees to come back because Richard would be good to him!  Only someone who was insane or with something else wrong with their brain would make friends with the murderer of her sons.  This made Grant and Brent, the woolly lamb, think that Richard didn't kill his nephews.  Grant also noticed that historians do not seem to have any brain, because some of the things they say about people don't make any sense.  Things just didn't line up, and yet the whole world just took it for granted that what they said was true.  

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Joan is Defeated

  Since Joan had gotten a good rest after her last time court, she came back, awake and ready to meet the judges.  The first day she did very well and beat the judges with flying colors.  The next day was the same and this lasted for five days.  The people started making jokes about the head judge and because his name, said a little differently meant pig, they used that to make fun of him.  They painted pictures on the walls of the courtroom of pigs wearing the priestly garments or pigs doing other things that made the h.j. mad.  Finally so as to stop being made fun of, the h.j. brought Joan to the torture chamber where the stretcher was and standing beside it were the men that used it on people.  He hoped that under the threat of death by being stretched, Joan would be so afraid that she would say things that would condemn her to death.  Joan just looked him in the face and said she would only say the things she had said already, so, since the h.j. couldn't force anything out of her, he sent her back to her cell.  Then the h.j. had the list of lies be made into a sentence for Joan's death and so upon the following day after the list was finished she would be burned at the stake.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Helpful Logic Tips.(Transfer)

  Transfer is when you use someone's feelings about something to make them buy a certain product or do something you want them to do.   For example, buy a Ford truck or buy Marlboro cigarettes.  The only reason you would buy one of these things is because you like the picture of a Ford on a mountain or you like that Marlboro man is a cowboy and so you want to be one as well, as if the cigarettes will make you a cowboy or cowgirl.  

This picture makes you think that this truck is the best
just because it is on a mountain and in a dangerous position.

This picture used peoples feelings toward women to transfer
them to the car.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Strange Happenings

  When King Richard and Ivanhoe reached Aelthelstane's house, where Aethelstane's funeral banquet was going on, Cedric welcomed them and showed them to the room in which they would be staying.  Then the door opened and in came Aethelstane, alive!  Cedric and Richard asked how Aelthelstane came to be where he was and not dead.  Aelthestane replied that when he had been knocked down in the battle he had not really been killed, but made unconscious.  The monks that were in charge of him in the church had found out that he was alive and so fed him on bread and water to keep him alive, but they gave him some wine that must have been drugged because he fell back to sleep immediately.  When he awoke again he was in his own house in the coffin but his feet were tied up so he couldn't move.  Thankfully he was able to free himself and make it to where Cedric was.  When he had finished telling his story he told Rowena that she didn't have to marry him, because he knew that she didn't want to.  Then a message came and Ivanhoe and Richard were seen dashing off on their horses.

  Meanwhile Rebecca was sitting in the lists waiting for someone to come and fight on her behalf, but so far no one had.  Then, in came Ivanhoe all tired out from riding so fast and he said he would fight for Rebecca.  At first Brian refused to fight with him because Ivanhoe was wounded but when Ivanhoe threatened to tell everyone that Brian was a coward, he agreed to fight.  They rode to opposite ends of the field and then they rode thunderously at each other and met at the middle.  They both fell off their horses, but Brian did not get back off the ground again.  The head of the Templars, Lucas, said that that was a sign from heaven that Rebecca was guiltless, so she was able to go away in peace.        

Friday, May 16, 2014

My Bedtime

       When at night I close my  eyes,
     my mommy sings me lullabies. My  
   Daddy kisses me and reads, A bedtime
story just for me. In the dark I hear a sound,
   The hamster on his wheel goes round.
      I fall asleep again and dream, Of
           monkeys eating ice cream.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Daughter of Time, the saga continues

  After Edward took Richard's throne he wanted to make sure he was able to keep it.  So he accused Richard of all sorts of things, but of all the things Edward accused Richard of doing he didn't include the base act of Richard killing his nephews.  Grant couldn't figure out why this was since everyone in those days knew about it.  Since this question wouldn't stop nagging him, he asked everyone who came into his room the question.  No one knew but when Carradine, Marta's woolly lamb, came that afternoon he had brought his research papers with him.  These he read to Grant which made things much clearer.  There were some things that people thought really happened, but different people gave different accounts about it so they really were not true.  For example, one historian said that six people killed this one man.  Another, that only three killed him.  So you see that it must be false since people are giving different accounts about it.  This helped Grant because it made him think that Richard may not have really killed his nephews.  

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Helpful Logic Tips. (Repetition)

  Repetition is when you say something over and over again to someone to try to get your point across, even if you are giving them no reason to do what you say.  Politicians can use repetition to make you think that you should vote for them.  Don't use repetition!  Don't use repetition!  Don't use repetition!

Calvin is using repetition to get his mom to let him bring Hobbes to the store.
Miss Information is using repetition to make you think that spiders evolved.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Joan Fools Them Again

  When the last court of the second trial ended Joan was sent back to her cell.  There she contracted the fever.  The judges didn't want her to die so they called in physicians to cure her.  She was cured, but the next day she was ill again.  This time she was ill for two weeks when the head judge thought she was well enough to continue the trial.

  Meanwhile, the judges were busy at work writing up a list of lies, of which to convict Joan.  The head judge was planning to have a third trial and he was going to use the list of lies to somehow trick Joan.  He narrowed the judges down to a very few for this trial so he had the very meanest on his side.  The list was a very long one and took two days to read.  Her friends thought they were reading the whole thing to her in the hopes that she would die of fatigue, but she didn't and she answered every question well, winning the third trial.  

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Banquet

  When Ivanhoe reached the King the fighting was done.  Ivanhoe told the King that he shouldn't have fought because he could have been killed.  The King just shrugged and told Ivanhoe not to worry.  The King was hungry and he asked if Robin Hood had any food.  Robin Hood replied that he did and he then invited the King to have a feast with him and his men.  Previously Robin's men had been shy and reverent to the King, but now as they were eating they were boisterous and merry.  This familiarity between the King and the outlaws made Robin and Ivanhoe nervous so they resolved to break up the feast.  They wanted to break up the feast because they didn't want one of the men to say something to the King that angered him because the King could do some serious damage to whosoever he pleased.  So Robin called one of his men to him and told him to blow a horn the way the Normans did.  The man did, which made all the men eating and merry making stop what they were doing and draw their weapons including the King.  Robin then went up to the Richard and asked his forgiveness because he had tricked him.  Richard gave it and then they got ready to leave.  

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Epeira And Its Web

  Fabre wanted to see if spiders differentiate between each other's webs.  He took two spiders of the same specie and put each of them on the other's web.  The spiders just went to the center of the web and waited for their meal as usual.  Fabre then tried the same thing again, this time putting two spiders that looked very different from each other on the other ones web.  The spiders acted normally again, going to the center of the web and waiting for a meal.  He then tried putting two spiders that made webs that looked different and put them on the others web, then waited to see what would happen.  Even this time the spiders just acted normally and went to the center of the web.

  After going out every day on long walks to find spiders Fabre decided to bring some home and put them all on one bush, so he went out and collected them and brought them home.  A few days later when most of them had webs, he took one spider and put it with another spider on a web. The spider who owned the web tried to fight off the newcomer, but was overcome.  The triumphant victor then swathed his prey and ate him.  Disgusting!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Joan's Mistake

  Back in court with Joan, she is being badgered back and forth with questions with not much success on the judges' side, so the head judge sent away most of the judges until there were only about two dozen left, but these were the toughest of the lot, all out to win against Joan and they did not have any good feelings toward her.  He also made the trial private so that no townspeople could see, because the townspeople were starting to make fun of the judges behind their backs since they could not get the upper hand against a peasant girl with no training. 
   On the last day, the judges set a trap that made her friends think the judges would certainly get her that time.  They could see no way that she could make it out of her precarious predicament.  Thankfully she did and later she said something which would have saved her, but she did not know it.  She had said that if the Pope wanted to try her she would be willing to answer all the questions he would ask.  If she had asked to be tried by the Pope everything would have been fine, because the Pope would have no grudges with her and it would have been a fair trial unlike the one she was in now.  After a few more questions they sent her back to her cell and everything seemed hopeless.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Return of the King

When the Black Knight left Robin Hood, he took Wombur with him as his servant.  Together they rode into the forest after the B.K. first said goodbye to Ivanhoe.  Ivanhoe was staying in a priory at the time, because of his wounds.  He was afraid that the B.K. would be molested in the forest, so as soon as the B.K. had left he got on a horse and went after the B.K. taking Gurth with him.
Riding through the forest, Wombur could not keep still and he kept moving about on his horse.  Sometimes he would be  at the very back of his horse, sometimes at the very ears.  His horse soon tired of it and Wombur found himself flat on his face in the dust.
As they were riding, Wombur told the B.K. that he saw the glint of metal behind some bushes, so the B.K. put down his visor.  He did this in the nick of time because from behind the bushes flew three arrows and one would have killed him right then if it hadn't been for the warning.  Then out came four men from behind the bushes, the one wearing blue armor and sitting on a horse.  The men all rushed at the B.K. and tried to kill him, but the B.K. fought them off.
Previously the B.K. had been given a horn from Robin Hood, which Wombur took while they were riding.  This Wombor now blew and then entered into the fray.  After a few minutes Robin Hood came with his men and saved the B.K.
The Black Knight now revealed that he was King Richard!  He then gave some of Robin's men offices and thanked them all heartily and went on his way.