Monday, March 2, 2015


Image result for plankton crabOn board the Kon-Tiki there were several different types of animal species besides the men.Image result for thor heyerdahl  ;)  They had plankton crabs and one of them which was bigger than the rest decided to stay with them.  They named it Johannes and would feed him little bits of food for which he would come up out of his little hole in the logs.  The other crabs they would eat by the hundreds because they were so small and they had a special silk net to catch them in.  Once the men got over the smell and the appearance, they rather enjoyed this meal.  Two of the men thought that the smell was enough for them.

They also had remora and pilot fish swimming next to them and also some that were attached to the raft.  These had been with sharks that the men had killed and not knowing what else to do the fish stayed with the raft.

Dolphins also stayed with the raft for a lot of the time and sometimes the men would catch and eat them.

Sharks were a daily occurrence so the men had to be on the look out for them when they took their daily swim.

They would also see whales.  Most of the time they would see them separately, but once in a while they would be in a whole pod.    


  1. I can't imagine eating a dolphin. They seem so friendly and human like. :(

  2. I think these may have had teeth.
