All my clamorous cousins sit right on the floor
Where they drink up the egg-nog with gusto and greed.
Oh the turkey drips loveliness from every pore
So we quiet ones sit round the table to feed.
On the table there's food that is cooked with our love
We have spent all last night in the kitchen so lively
When we sit in our seats peace descends like a dove
For we love one another and all feel so kindly.
My uncle is first to have finished his plate,
Then my cousins and me race to finish ours next
But they beat me aft' having twice more than I ate.
I forgave them and said that I'd still beat them yet.
With our bellies all filled we had green beans to spare
But we knew that all of us really did care.
"food that's crooked with our love." What does she mean by that? Deep thoughts.....