Tuesday, January 20, 2015

On Gluttony

  The patient's mother was gluttonous.  She didn't eat a lot, but all she could think about was the perfect food.  When her servants would bring her food she would say, "Oh that's way too much, I couldn't possibly eat all that."  She would then ask for one small piece of toast toasted just right and a small cup of tea with just so much cream and sugar and not to cold or hot.
  When she would go to the restaurant and and overworked waitress would bring her the food she had ordered she would ask them to take it back and bring back only 1/2 of it.  She would say that she was just trying to reduce waste, but really she was burdening all her servants and everyone else with her need for perfect food.
  Her servants would get upset and give notice and she would have to keep getting new ones.  She would lose friendships and her son didn't like that she was this way either.  She expected to receive food that was just how she wanted it.  She thought she remembered a time when she would get food like the food she demanded, but really it was just a time when she was happy with what she got.

1 comment:

  1. I never would have thought of gluttony this way before. Most people think of gluttony as over eating not as just an obsession with food.
